
What if the bottom of the兵朋 ski is damaged

If the plate bottom is damag雜樹ed, it needs to be re小的paired. In the past, patch tape美樹 and steel scraper were generally used的現 for repair. The new technology is hig師技h-temperature hot pressing 靜車patch, and special hot pressing ta行公pe was used. The steel edges 關老on the side of cross-country skis 黃水are vulnerable parts. To repair 中藍the steel edges, rough grind the哥國 damaged vertical and 這新horizontal edges with但資 a diamond file, align them wi報書th a snowboard angle trimmer, and麗廠 then process them w喝匠ith a fine steel file. Deburring wi拍亮th an oilstone or a specia我土l deburring diamond. Too不司ls for repairing steel edges and f司拿ile sets at different angles.

To sum up, if you need skis, remember t那河o call us, and we can pro月女vide you with skis related services他木.

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