The Company fully supports t知道he relevant provisions on "l腦筆imiting prohibited words"飛紅 implemented in the Advertising銀和 Law of the People'聽遠;s Republic of China,和街 and has tried to avoid the use of suc志通h limiting words as 了木"prohibited words" (suc好拿h as best, best, top...)老煙. If there are "limiting prohibit他業ed words" used on our w秒短ebsite, our company decl地請ares that they are invali們草d.

This news has been shown 了外at the bottom of the知照 website. All the people and custome年了rs who visit our website expr為靜ess their acquiescence to th年上is content, and do n黑內ot support any malicious 習理act of complaining about our com費藍pany's violation of the Advert購問ising Law of the People's Republi東物c of China or the New Advertisin妹說g Law and claiming c算村ompensation by using the exc話拍use or reason of "哥會extreme words, extreme wor讀的ds, advertising prohibited words&qu員什ot;!

Our company has comprehensively check火高ed and cleaned up this we河去bsite and its contents. If there購間 are still some extreme wo土費rds left, please directly acquiesce to 來事their invalidity, and please contact河說 our company to make change要能s in time. Thank you for your co資子operation and support器弟. Thank you!

Copyright complaint

If you find any infringement on th兵技is website, please contact us.


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