
Different skis have different fun山跳ctions

1、 The arch is straight, and it lo員廠oks like an arch bridge. Th章站is version is used more海的 on the veneer. This type of sno要電wboard has good stability, carv呢行ing ability, explosive頻熱 power and energy stor視木age. The disadvantage is that the fa自相ult tolerance is poor又街, because compared with other versions舊書, the snow catching ability is討電 too strong, and it is easy to b呢機e carved into the snow.

2、 Flat arch is the plate type bet文美ween the normal arch and th看好e reverse arch. It comb還還ines some characteristics of th場微e normal arch and the reverse arch. 好微It is a more general plat車市e type and is often used on the park p雜海late. Strong versatility,兵去 very good performance i影嗎n the park. The disad都做vantage is that the performance is med做南iocre and has no obvious feature湖煙s。

3、 The reverse arch is called reverse a的著rch because it is the opposite arch 朋樹bridge type to the normal arch話間, like a banana. This type of board老通 is very flexible, g從鐵iving a feeling of skating, so 快和it is easy to do all kinds o鐵友f fancy movements. It 明線is also suitable for s大還liding on the snow, easy to turn場公, easy to deform, and h鐘友as strong fault tolerance. The di草呢sadvantages are poor stability, low e問她xplosive power and poor snow cutting ab去化ility.

4、 Mixed arch, there are m車工any arch forms of mixed arch, which 在匠combines normal arch and rev的答erse arch together. It ca弟腦n combine some advantages of normal 生短arch and reverse arch, but also h嗎冷as their shortcomings. It is not as st海刀rong as the characteristics of 亮行normal arch or reverse arc兵分h, and belongs to a more general a事器nd moderate plate type< Br電森/>If you need skis, remember新玩 to call us, we can provid雜家e you with skis related services

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