
Should I practice double skis from水討 the beginning?

Should we start with the d聽愛ouble skis

Skiing is an exciting, inter坐兵esting and beneficial winter 這公sport. But it is als個看o easy to cause injuries, some of whic購看h are very serious. In or她工der to maintain safety during黃問 skiing, you must follow some saf看媽ety tips and rules.

Double board is usually easy to learn 照請at the beginning, but it is 說高not easy to master at這去 a higher level. Snowboarding is h小靜arder at first, but it's eas白煙ier to reach a high l雪了evel. This is a commo服資n phenomenon in skiing.

Generally speaking, people wi男街ll find it easier to use th綠風e double board, because their feet are雨看 separated, and they will f山市ace downhill. This po但這sition will feel more natural. I女下n contrast, on snowboarding, both 麗慢feet are fixed on the去近 board, facing the slope, which i服術s unnatural for many people.

The factors mentioned站美 above will also affect the diffic子車ulty of reaching a high level. 吃還Although double skiing is more natural我微 at the beginning, it 睡雨will be difficult to learn difficult我聽 turns if you ski with your feet apart問制, because it is more challengi議弟ng to move your feet 年年at the same time.

In summary, if you ne作黑ed skis, remember to call us, and 你樹we can provide you w路讀ith skis related services~

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